Is it just me or is everyone struggling with this?? It's nearly 2025 and we're all doing more than one thing. We're singing and teaching and researching and we make jewlery or knit or paint or write plays on the side. We write code (not me, I don't code, but some singer somewhere certainly does). We do statistics and experimental design. We speak German. We knit and crochet. We do Shibari and teach Zumba (not me, I do not Zumba - but I do have a certificate in belly dance). We have experiences running children's drama programs and conducting choirs. We write cookbooks! We have degrees you didn't know about in things like psychology. We barista. What's that expression? We are not a one trick ponies? Nor can we afford to be.
All of these things are important to us. Why shouldn't we revel in them all? Why shouldn't we own that we can be good at a lot of things, all at once. But here is my BURNING QUESTION: How do we present all of this stuff online?
I don't have the answer. I just have a big honking website with a zillion tabs. For now, it's the best I've come up with because I couldn't manage mulitple sites. I guess first and foremost, it has to work for us (because unless we're rich, we are the ones managing our own online presence).
But as I said: we write cookbooks (not me, I have not written a cookbook)! Please check out this one by my amazing colleague, Jay St. Flono called Black American Magic.
Until next time, yours in multi-hyphenaity (yes, I made up a word),